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Emon Leathom is our England based financial consultant. He is a Senior Non-commisioned officer in the Air Force and an expert lecturer on the topics of finance. He has extensive knowlegde in different investing strategies from traditional such as stocks, IRA´s and ETFs, to new age investments such as crypto-currency. Talk to Emon about what options are available to you in regards to short term investments, long-term investments, retirement and generational wealth. 


FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! Discounted rates!


from now until June 1


Initials Consultation 150€

Follow-up Consultations 100€




Initial Consultation 250€

Follow-up Consultations 200€


Once you book you will be contacted within 2 business days to schedule your appointment. Please double check the e-mail and phone number you provide are accurate and check your spam box. 



Disclaimer: While our consultants are extensively knowledgeable and intend to provide you with the most accurate information available to them, they represent our company as educators, not advisors and are not CPA or certified financial advisors . How you apply the information provided to you is at your own discretion and QIK Learning Services nor our staff is liable for any loss associated with these consultations. 

Financial Outlook Initial Consultation w. Emon

150,00 €Preis

    ©2024 by QIK | Learning Services.

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